On a solo journey to Death Valley, I tried to cram all I could into one very blustery spring day...
Album: Artist's Palette (Jawa Canyon) -
Album: Desolation Canyon -
Album: Dante's View (Mos Eisley Overlook) -
Album: Mesquite Dunes -
Album: Twenty Mule Team Road (Road To Jabba's Palace) -
Album: Artist's Pallette II (Sandcrawler Station) -
View from Brady's Mini-Mart -
View from Brady's Mini-Mart -
View from Brady's Mini-Mart -
The Little Red Car That Could -
Red Rock State Park -
Red Rock State Park -
Owen's Lake -
Mojave Pitstop -
Mojave Pitstop -
Mojave Pitstop -
Lone Joshua Tree -
Lone Joshua Tree