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I apologize for the possible off-topic. Guys, could you tell me which web hosting company you are using at the moment? I have a problem because my current web hosting company hostrator.com is kicking me off. They say that our website is using too many server resources. But our website only gets 300 visitors per day..

Anyway, what would be your recommendations? Are you happy with your web hosting providers?

I am checking http://www.hosting24.com/ at the moment, but is it real that they can provide unlimited disk space?
I have contacted them and they say something like "1000GB disk drive costs only $30 per month, so if some day we will start running out of disk space we will simply add a new 1000GB drive so can continue uploading..".

What do you think about it? Any ideas and web hosting company name suggestions are much appreciated.
Registered: 10/24/10
Posts: 1
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I use Site5 here and have been pretty happy with the service so far. I have a few sites hosted under the account and don't get a lot of traffic, around 200 unique users per day, but I have never been contacted about using too much. Did your host say specifically what was the cause? $30 per month sounds like a lot unless you are talking about something more than a simple shared hosting account.

I only have about 7.5 GB stored throughout all of the websites so I'll never even come close to testing the unlimited disk space.

The guys that created the CMS we are using here, glFusion, use BlueHost and have said really good things about their service also.
Registered: 12/09/06
Posts: 81
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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I currently use www.9cubehosting.com , they are very good with customer support and have many features.


Disk Space: Unlimited

Bandwidth: Unlimited

E-mail account : Unlimited

24x7 Support

$2.63 per month
Registered: 09/07/12
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Bill, its great. People thinking about travelling can get an idea of the location layout and those not travelling can feel as if they have (albeit in a small way).
As long as people post their holiday vids you'll have something to link to.
Registered: 03/13/13
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Hi Still Batt,

I'm glad to hear that you like the site. I agree that there is a lot you can even if you aren't able to travel to the location yourself. I don't get a chance to travel much right now, but there is plenty of content out there being added all of the time to let me explore the world.

Registered: 12/09/06
Posts: 81
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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