Tatooine Reunion 2010

Star Wars stories

Mark Dermul is organizing one last tour to Tunisia, 22 to 29 May 2010. This is a perfect opportunity if you ever wanted to go, but were afraid of finding everything on your own. Relax with a group of like-minded individuals and let a professional get you to all of the correct locations.

Check out all of the details and previous trips on his site.


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but...but...but!!! This is the probably date for CV!!!!

but.....I'd still be interested. Is there somewhere to sign-up to indicate interest?
You can check out all of the details and latest news at the link in the article above. Mark filled up all 3 jeeps in his tour but it can't hurt to contact him and ask him for more info if you're serious about wanting to go. Maybe he'll find room for you or put you on standby.