Colin's Canyon Quiz

How well do you know the location known as Star Wars Canyon? Test your observation skills in this mini photo-quiz.
Star Wars Canyon has been visited numerous times by Lucas, Spielberg et al and has been seen on movie screens around the world. But what does it look like in one large panoramic view and can you recognize your favourite scenes from a different angle?
Originally this was written as a Christmas Quiz for my Star Wars friends, but I have been persuaded to throw it open to the wider fan community. This quiz is based on observations on a number of visits to the canyon at Sidi Bouhlel over an 8 year period. I’m not claiming this as an exhaustive list as there are probably one or two scenes that have escaped my attention, maybe you could leave some feedback about those. OK, on with the quiz.
Can you identify the filming locations from Star Wars, Raiders Of The Lost Ark and The English Patient?
The clues with arrowheads you cannot actually see in this photo - just use your imagination and take a best guess what they might be pointing towards.
Colin Kenworthy
See the answers here.
Star Wars Canyon has been visited numerous times by Lucas, Spielberg et al and has been seen on movie screens around the world. But what does it look like in one large panoramic view and can you recognize your favourite scenes from a different angle?
Originally this was written as a Christmas Quiz for my Star Wars friends, but I have been persuaded to throw it open to the wider fan community. This quiz is based on observations on a number of visits to the canyon at Sidi Bouhlel over an 8 year period. I’m not claiming this as an exhaustive list as there are probably one or two scenes that have escaped my attention, maybe you could leave some feedback about those. OK, on with the quiz.
Can you identify the filming locations from Star Wars, Raiders Of The Lost Ark and The English Patient?
The clues with arrowheads you cannot actually see in this photo - just use your imagination and take a best guess what they might be pointing towards.
Colin Kenworthy
See the answers here.